Planning a party for your little one?  Find everything you need right here, and at a great price

From gifts to invites, decorations to party bags - we have it all.

We've also pulled together a quick checklist to help you keep track...

Theme Tease: Pick a theme that's more exciting than a unicorn at a disco. Whether it's pirates, princesses, or space cadets, make it epic!

Invitation Innovation: Get those invites out faster than kids can say, "Are we there yet?" Think colourful, creative, and maybe even a touch of glitter for extra magic. Why not add our FREE colouring competition sheet with the invites? Its a fun way to get kids excited about the party and you can keep the pictures as a keep sake for your little one's memory box!


Snack Attack Plan: Snacks should be as appealing as a puppy holding a rainbow. Think finger foods, healthy-ish options, and of course, a cake that steals the show.

Entertainment Extravaganza: Keep the little ones entertained with games that are more fun than a tickle fight. Pin the tail on whatever, musical chairs, or even a treasure hunt if you're feeling adventurous.

Music Mastery: Create a playlist that gets everyone grooving, from the toddlers to the tired parents. Bonus points for tunes that won't drive the grown-ups bonkers.

Safety First, Fun Always: Avoid party mishaps like a pro by childproofing the party zone and keeping a first-aid kit handy. Because nothing kills the vibe like a bumped noggin or a scraped knee.

Parental Prep: Equip yourself with enough caffeine to power a rocket ship. You'll need it to keep up with the little energy balls and their never-ending demands.

Goodie Bag Genius: Send your mini-guests off with a goodie bag that's more exciting than Christmas morning. Think bubbles, stickers, and maybe a few sweets (with parental approval, of course).

Relax and Enjoy: Remember, this party isn't just for the kids; it's for you too! Soak up the chaos, snap some pics, and revel in the joy of seeing your little one light up like a firework on their special day.


Thanks for reading! Don't forget to head over to our party pages for more inspo.